SCORE Mission Locations
SCORE Mission Locations
In the United States, 22.8% of Americans are religiously unaffiliated; 23.7% have cult affiliations; and more than 26% have affiliations with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.
The United States region called Appalachia stretches 205,000 square miles from New York to Mississippi and encompasses many cultures. While religion is important in Appalachia, the reality is that more than 65% of the region is unchurched.
In addition to spiritual poverty, 43.1 million Americans now live in a state of physical and economic poverty. Short term mission teams come in alongside the local the church or local programs and assist by working in areas of need and by helping build community relationships.
Of the 564,708 homeless in the United States, 40% of those are children. Organizations passionate about homelessness are in need of caring, short term mission teams to volunteer to assist in being the hands and feet of Jesus in a way that can make their load lighter and their efforts sustainable.
The opportunities are endless and the command is clear; we are called to GO in the power, passion, compassion and purpose of Jesus Christ.
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