Have you been wondering how our missionaries are doing and navigating ministry through this pandemic? Read an update below from the Difren family written by Sarah, so that you can know how to specifically be praying for them during this time. If you have any questions or you’d like to contact them directly, follow the link at the bottom of this post to their page on our website.
Hey everyone! I’m pretty sure I know how everyone is doing, but thought I might ask anyways! How are you all??
Now, I know a lot of you are feeling uncomfortable as well, with so much uncertainty and being cooped up in a way. But something that has helped me to continue to be grateful and appreciate what I have, is to look at those around me, and I hope this maybe helps you too. Imagine being in quarantine with your family in the ONE room that you live in, which includes your bed, kitchen, living room, etc. You might have a TV, that has bad reception and possibly a phone. There’s no fridge to stock up food in, so you continue to have to go out to get food at the colmado. The very little money that you earned before being a motorcycle taxi driver, or selling food on the street, has come to a halt, and there is literally nothing you can do. This is the reality of many, many people that live in this country and that includes many of our church members or kids that we minister to in the kids church on Saturdays. We are keeping our ears and eyes open to those around us in need and the church is helping out those in most need among our members. But I would ask you to pray for this country, as many will go to bed hungry and the abuse levels in the country are also going up. Pray for us to have wisdom and guidance from the Lord in how to continue to protect our family, but also to continue to minister to those that the Lord has called us to. Pray for Sadrac’s parents, who are older and still continue to work at the nursing home every day, that God will protect them from the virus. Pray we will continue to use our time wisely in this time the Lord has given us to stay at home.