Mission Trip Survey Form

Post-trip survey form for mission trip participants

How would you rate the value for the cost of your trip?
How well do you feel that your SCORE trip was organized?
How well did your SCORE trip meet your expectations?
How effective was the ministry portion of your trip?
On this trip, I publicly shared the Gospel or my testimony
Were you satisfied with the lodging accommodations for your trip?
Were you satisfied with the meals and food options on your trip?
How would you rate your overall trip experience with SCORE?(Required)
I would like for someone to follow up with me concerning the following:
Max. file size: 164 MB.
If you would like to share multiple photos or videos of your trip, you may copy the link below and paste it into your browser. It will take you to a Google Drive folder where you can then upload your photos or videos. Google Drive
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.