Madison Battle

Apprentice – Dominican Republic

I grew up in a Christian home in Murfreesboro, TN with parents who were constant examples of what it looked like to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. I accepted Jesus into my heart at 13 years old. Right after I gave my life to him, I immediately got involved in serving in the church, I served with kindergarten for about 7 years. Throughout middle school my mom and older brothers went on mission trips with my local church to the Dominican Republic and every time I would hear all the cool stories and always wanted to go see for myself. When I was a freshman in high school I got to go, and that trip forever changed my life.

After that week, I learned a lot about missions and what it looked like because before I had no idea what missions was. The Lord moved in my heart and my life that week, and I always said I was going to go back after high school for the summer. However, through high school I really fought with God about that because I had my own plans and didn’t want to do what He had for me. It took until my senior year in high school to surrender my plans to God and stepped out in faith and obedience into what He was calling me to do.

I decided that after high school I would do an internship for a year in the DR. During that year, the Lord kept continuing to work through me and in me, and I fell in love with doing ministry with kids and youth. I decided to continue to put my “yes” on the table, and God called me to full time missions with SCORE International.

I would love for you to consider joining alongside of me through prayer, encouragement, and financial support. Thank you in advance for being willing to partner with me.
