Brett & Sara Wilson
USA – Southern Ohio
Brett and Sara Wilson grew up as close friends in the same local church and area high school in rural, southern Ohio. After high school graduation, college pursuits sent them in different directions. Brett received a B.A. in Music Education and Religion at Ohio Christian University and an M.S. in Education Media Design and Technology from Full Sail University while Sara received a B.A. in Early Childhood Education from Shawnee State University. God eventually brought the two back together, and they were married in August 2007. They have two children, Ty and Aubrey.
A shared passion for missions is evident in the Wilsons’ lives. When Sara was nineteen, she had the opportunity to travel to the Philippines on a short-term mission trip with some friends she met when she was a cabin leader at Mt. Hope Bible Camp. Sara describes her trip like this: “It changed my life. I always knew that God would put me in missions somewhere, as a result of that trip.”
For Brett, this passion began when Souter Hoople, a local apple farmer and preacher, introduced him to Lee Fields, a missionary to Africa. At the age of ten, Brett began corresponding with Mr. Fields and sending him part of his allowance as support. Brett explains, “I can remember sitting at my grandmother’s house writing one of the letters that I intended to send to Mr. Fields when my grandmother asked me what I planned to be when I grew up. My response was quick and sure: ‘I want to be a missionary!’”
Together, the Wilsons served for thirteen years on summer staff at Mt. Hope Bible Camp. When the former directors of the camp resigned, the board asked Brett and Sara to step into the position. Sara writes, “We feel as though God is calling us to follow Him into full-time missions. We definitely have a heart for this camp and want to see God do some amazing things here.”
The Wilson’s oversee a busy summer of camping for kids ages six to eighteen, while also working to develop relationships with the staff. The camp’s leadership training program, of which the Wilsons themselves are graduates, prepares young people to serve in the church. Between the months of October and May, the camp continues to reach local youth through its weekend camping program. The camp also offers special events for adults, such as Ladies’ Spring Luncheons, Men’s Harvest Dinners, and a trail walk/run.