Become an Intern

Feeling called to serve with SCORE?

Do you feel God’s call to serve?
SCORE Internships are a great way to get started.

Discover your gifts! Our SCORE Internship Program is designed to show you how God has uniquely called and gifted YOU to reach the lost, train disciples, and further His kingdom on the mission field. Our internships have broad opportunities for service, and whatever the task may be, each opportunity will be a chance to grow closer to God, strengthen your faith, see God in a new way, and humbly serve alongside those in full-time ministry.

Internship Requirements

  • Each intern must be at least 18 years of age or older (Preferential approval will be given to bilingual-Spanish applicants)
  • A $100 deposit must be submitted with you application for the process to begin
  • Current passport must not expire prior to the end of your internship
  • Completed application must be received at minimum of three months prior to your departure date

SCORE offers internships in the USA and Internationally.  Contact us to find out what locations are available and in need of interns.  These locations vary from year to year, but some examples include:

  • Chattanooga, TN
  • Harlan, KY
  • Eutaw, AL
  • Hildale, UT
  • Dominican Republic
  • Honduras
  • Panama
  • Costa Rica 

Policies Regarding International Internships

  • Interns serve a minimum of one month.
  • Interns may serve for an extended length of time based on the needs of SCORE International.
  • There is always a need for translators, so bi-lingual applicants may receive special preference.
  • Interns must be high school graduates in order to be considered.
  • Interns must be U.S. citizens.

Financial Responsibility

Each intern is responsible to raise support to cover expenses, salary (allowance) and/or fees required for educational credit.  The cost for a SCORE Internship includes meals, lodging, transportation while on the field and any additional fees related to the ministry with SCORE.

Cost Per Person-International

The cost does NOT include International airfare. Each intern will be responsible for getting their own airline tickets.

  • 1 Month – $2,350
  • 2 Months – $4,150
  • 3 Months – $6,050
  • 4 Months – $7,925
  • 5 Months –$9,950
  • 6 Months – $11,750
  • 7 Months – $13,710
  • 8 Months –  $15,670
  • 9 Months – $17,400
  • 10 Months – $19,250
  • 11 Months – $21,250
  • 12 Months – $23,000
  • 13+ Months – Call SCORE International for pricing

Medical Internship

Medical interns will serve in the same capacity as all other interns, but will have a priority of serving alongside our Medical Director and any medical teams that are participating with SCORE. This internship can be done solely for the experience of medical missions, or may be done in conjunction with any educational requirements. Medical interns will be under the direction of our on Field Intern Director, who will coordinate with our Medical Director for daily assignments.

Policies regarding International Internships

  • 1st year interns may serve for a maximum of one month.
  • Returning interns may stay for an extended length of time based on the needs of SCORE International.
  • There is always a need for translators, so bi-lingual applicants may receive special preference.
  • Interns must be high school graduates in order to be considered.
  • Must also be US citizens.


Each intern is responsible to raise support to cover expenses, salary (allowance) and/or fees required for educational credit. The cost for a SCORE Internship includes meals, lodging, transportation while on the field and any additional fees related to the ministry with SCORE.

Cost per person – International

The cost does NOT include International airfare. Each intern will be responsible for getting their own airline tickets.

1 Month – $2,350
2 Months – $4,150
3 Months – $6,050
4 Months – $7,925
5 Months – $9,950
6 Months – $11,750
7 Months – $13,710
8 Months – $15,670
9 Months – $17,400
10 Months – $19,250
11 Months – $21,250
12 Months – $23,000
13+ Months – Call SCORE International for pricing

Cost per person – Domestic

  • Total $400 week