HSD Escuela Primaria

HSD “Honoring Santiago and Damaris” bases its ideology in supporting children whose parents in spite of their difficult circumstances, strive and work to educate their children with quality. To help give the children the opportunity to develop their God given abilities and thereby glorifying God, HSD provides:

  • Education
  • Trained Personnel
  • Language Teaching
  • Equipment, Books, and Materials
  • Snack
  • Lunch (for primary school)
  • Transportation

Through summer missions work, I realized a deep need of education. Poverty and lack of opportunities leads to a life of conformism and most probably to lazy lives that will never work hard to improve their existence. There is no knowledge about God’s great plan for man, nature, and society. There is no development of all the great abilities God has made us all capable of using for His glory.

My husband and I traveled to the Dominican Republic in 2011. Once again God placed us among the needy and my heart just couldn’t remain in silence. By working for the bilingual private school system in Honduras, I’ve seen the difference that good education does for children and the potential we have in those that can never pay for high quality education. My wish was to educate and change the mindset of these children to a Godly and well equipped life that will produce a much better future, a better society and one that will shine God’s light to the world.

Our path was blind at the beginning; I had never run a school or started one. The first time I shared my dream, the immediate reaction was “it is impossible”. But I did what I could do: share, pray and work hard. God was Powerful to make it a reality on October of 2013:

All school supplies where donated.
One classroom lent by our church Iglesia Bautista Renacer.
Six volunteer part time staff: a Bible teacher, a music teacher, an art teacher, a soccer teacher, a room teacher (me) and a secretary.
The music teacher recruited the children and brought them in the back of his truck. We had 10 students between 3-4 years old in that first classroom.
One committee of scholarship that received the applications of the families.

We praised the Lord for His grace back in those days of learning but most of it witnessing the miracle everyday.

Psalm 82 says it all: “…Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness…”

~ Evi Bardales

Updates and more information about HSD Escuela Primaria can be found here: www.educa-ba.com

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