Ministry Feature: Lily House

Prostitution is everywhere. We don’t necessarily see it on every street corner here in the United States, but behind the scenes of most cities and often in rural areas as well, prostitution and pornography prosper. The business of selling humans is quite profitable monetarily, but it destroys a person’s understanding of self-worth and hurts their soul.

Erica Jude, our current SCORE board member, saw the prostitution in her area of the Dominican Republic while she was a SCORE missionary, and she wanted to help. She started going out and sharing the gospel with the ladies. One of these women wanted to come off the streets and out of that lifestyle, and that is how the Lily House was birthed.

The Lily House now flourishes under the supervision of several of our lovely missionaries, both international and national. They are currently working mostly with teenagers and prevention. They have girls come in through government agencies, the Dominican Republic Child Protective Services, or a different ministry or church.

The first step is to meet their physical needs, including three meals a day, a safe place to sleep and stay, and any medical needs. Then they seek to heal their emotional needs, through biblical counseling and group therapy. Everything done at the Lily House comes from a basis of God’s word. The staff know that they can show them and tell them all day about Jesus and healing, but only an encounter with Christ will truly change them. The Lily House staff lead by example doing morning devotionals, discipleship, and getting the ladies involved in a local church.

Then the Lily House staff work to get them vocationally trained and educated. If adolescent girls are in the Lily House, the first goal is to finish high school, spending hours tutoring.

The Lily House has businesses that provide the ladies with vocational experience, including a pastry and coffee shop, and a jewelry store.

Lily House was named after the passage in Matthew 6 where Jesus talks about the lilies of the field and how God clothes them in beauty. Lilies grow in some of the dirtiest parts of the world – ponds and lakes. They come out of the darkness and produce beautiful blossoms that bring color and vibrancy to the world, while functioning as a healthy part of the ecosystem. Similarly, women who come out of prostitution come from a place of darkness, but they have beauty and value that blooms under the love and care of the Lily House staff and the work of God.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love and His forgiveness. He extends that to each of us, no matter our past or present. We can each be like lilies growing out of the darkness of our sin and shame into who God wants us to be. He died to have a relationship with you – no one else has done that! He can transform your life into a beautiful display of His mercy and grace.

How can you be involved?
Intern – ladies who are 18 years or older can intern with the Lily House for periods of 2 months or more!

Jewelry – host a jewelry party or order jewelry made by the Lilies at the Lily House:

Bring Your Skills – if you have skills like baking, cooking, making jewelry, sewing, art, or hairstyling, bring your skills to the Dominican Republic to help provide the ladies with vocational experience to grow in their skills!

Donate – give monthly or for a specific project. Constant needs are education, medical, food, and monthly budget expenses. Donate below!

Go – come serve on a SCORE trip and serve at the Lily House anywhere from one day to the whole trip, or stop by their pastry and coffee shop to support the ladies. To go on a trip, contact Joelle Person at or call 423-894-7111 and ask for Joelle.


Written by Joelle Person

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