Kelly Kemp


I grew up in a Christian home and had the truth of Jesus Christ poured into me my entire life. In July 1995, I accepted Christ as my Savior. I lived a lot of my life thinking that it was all about me. I was a good kid. I excelled in school and went on mission trips. Although these things in themselves aren’t bad, they were never about God, but about me. It was always about what I wanted to do, my comfort, my convenience, and ultimately, my life filled with my decisions.

While I had already surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and placed my faith in him as my savior, it wasn’t until I was a sophomore in college that I became burdened with this desire to do missions. For the first time in my life, on Oct. 16th, 2008, I also surrendered my future completely to God and the plans that He has for me. At that moment, I knew I was called to vocational ministry.

Then in 2009, God developed a passion in my heart for discipleship, evangelism and church planting. I was trained through Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) in disciple making, which helped me understand the great commission in totality. It’s not only about going, but also discipling. It was also at this time when God ignited a passion in my heart for the Latin American people. I soon met a missionary from Argentina, who spoke at my church. That missionary was Will Herndon. This led to me spending the following summer in Argentina and falling in love with the people in this country.

In 2012, God showed me that He has been conditioning me for a specific group of people who He desperately loves– it’s not about me, but about God and them, the people God is sending me to, who are the Argentine people living in San Francisco, AR and the surrounding area. My mission is to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, proclaiming his life, death, and resurrection through my words and deeds, so God may be glorified in Argentina and to mobilize the church in Argentina through evangelism and discipleship.
